September Core Words with SymbolStix

I have been following a blog post series called ‘Resources for a Year of Core Words’, and I used the SymbolStix ones in 2014-2015 for presentations. This school year, I’m providing speech-language services to students in a mod-severe class who are using Proloquo2Go, Unique, and News-2-You. However, in August after I returned to work, I noticed didn’t have a set for SymbolStix. Since I really wanted SymbolStix monthly core words, I decided to create them using SymbolStix Online for the whole year, based on the 2013 list with 12 words per month. I completed grids for the entire year, and I already shared them with staff members in my school district. I also wanted to share the monthly core words one month at a time here on my blog. So, here’s the grid for September:

Core_Words_-_September 2

PDF Download Link

Here are some ideas on how you can use the monthly core words:

  • Print 1 copy, then laminate it (or put it in a sheet protector) and use it for aided language stimulation during various activities at school (circle time, small group rotations, transitions, lunch, taking a walk, etc.)
  • Print 1 copy, then laminate it (or put it in a sheet protector) and provide it to parents for aided language stimulation during various activities at home and in the community (morning routines, dinner time, public transportation, vacation, day trip, etc.)
  • Print 2 copies, then cut out each item from both copies. Hide one set around your room and keep the other set to ask a student to find its pair via a scavenger hunt game.
  • Print 2 copies, then cut out each item from both copies and play a memory style matching game
  • Print 2 copies, then keep one as a full page and cut out the other page. Next, use the cutouts for a glue and paste activity with the full page.